Sunday, January 27, 2008

Extraordinary Things

Last week, January 22, we talked about the extraordinary things the Lord expects of us. We will help prepare the world for the Second Coming, share the gospel of Jesus Christ, raise children unto the Lord and find joy in our families, serve our fellowman, and by living righteously we help provide a measure of safety for our communities--among many other things we are called to do.

This week we'll read in Alma 13 about the "holy order of God." Consider the great responsibility and privilege it is to be foreordained to serve God and bear his holy priesthood. There are those among us who could also have had that same privlege but hardened their hearts--a fall from grace. What will you do with the great and noble calling that comes to you as a member of this Church, and especially as a bearer of the priesthood of God?

As in my limited analogy of going to the gym day after day (which effort is fine for a normal existence but not enough if I want to do something extraordinary) the opportunity is before us to do some extraordinary things for God. Reading Alma's important sermons can be both instructive and motivating to us in this eternal endeavor.

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