Wednesday, October 15, 2008

An Offering Unto the Lord in Righteousness

A week ago in institute class, as we studied D&C sections 2 and 13, we had a somewhat unsatisfying discussion on section 13. The following link contains my notes and impressions as I studied the topic again, and discussed it with friends, mentors, and family. I would love to hear your insights, or arguments (not contentions, but opinions) if you have them. This is posted as a link because it is rather lengthy as blog entries go.


Logan said...

One comment that has been on my mind as far as offerings unto the Lord in righteousness go...

I remember that during the time that I spent as a missionary, I became very experienced as to what prayers the Lord would answer immediately. The prayer to know where to go or what lesson to teach would sometimes be answered with a "Well, Logan, you've studied it out, use that brain that I've given you and figure it out." However, the prayers where I asked, "Heavenly Father, what do I need to improve about myself" or "Please let me know how I can bless those around me" would ALWAYS be answered very specifically, either during the prayer as a thought entering my mind or by a specific prompting during the day while I was searching for opportunities to serve those around me. While there are many different opportunities to give offerings to the Lord, with everything from animal sacrifices to tithing to temple work, perhaps the Lord knows best what we need to offer right now, and I know that He will tell us that through the Holy Ghost as we pray specifically to know.

H C M said...

Logan, what a great comment. It brings all this 'study' stuff down to what we really need to worry about--what we offer to the Lord and our fellowman on a daily basis. Thank you.