It is my hope you have thought about the power of pure testimony. Most of us can remember times when the course of our lives have been changed by pure testimony: warnings and counsel; encouragement to change or repent; reminders that God loves us and hears and answers prayers; words of faith that motivate us to draw nearer to God; words that create visionary images in our minds of what we could do for the Lord or what we can become; and most importantly--words of testimony regarding the life and mission of the Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior and Redeemer.
Yes, we have been blessed by words of pure testimony. But do we remember, or as Alma says "Have we sufficiently retained in remembrance..." Sufficiently might mean that we remember enough that the remembrance keeps us alive in Christ, and alive in our testimony. Elder Eyring encouraged us to write a few words each day to record daily experiences of a sacred nature see Oct 07 General Conference). After doing this myself for three months, I can testify it is a wonderful way to "remember" and to notice God's kindness as well as spiritual experiences.
Take time to remember and evaluate.
We didn't have enough time to delve into being "born again" or the mighty change. We will take on this topic again in greater depth as Alma, and later the Sons of Mosiah, continue preaching throughout the land. In the meantime, consider what causes words of testimony to sink in to a person's heart and mind? What causes the tipping point where a person actually acts upon something they come to believe? Why do some testimonies move a person to action, cause someone to change course, or turn them/us around, when other testimonies might impress or touch, but not dramatically transform?
Think about Elder Maxwell's quote: "This is a gospel of grand expectations, but God's grace is sufficient for each of us if we remember that there are no instant Christians." (found in Notwithstanding My Weakness [1981], 11). What are the 'grand expectations'? Does this quote apply to people like Paul and Alma the Younger? What does it mean for us?
Hey, this is a great blog! So much here! Having the questions and assignment to look at and think about beforehand will really help me. Thanks!
It's amazing to me that I always forget this lesson. Being moved by a testimony of mine or others I always walk away feeling closer to my savior but how easily it can slide away if i do not do anything about it. I can remember times when i have really felt the spirit in my scripture study or at church but I am missing the details of how I felt and about what. Writing those thought and feeling down is a sure way for me to learn, act, remember and nurture growth.
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