Friday, February 8, 2008

The Gift of Discernment

President Thomas S. Monson is a man of whom it can be said "the hallmark of President Monson is his pure love of Christ, and his uncanny ability to hear the voice of the Spirit and respond instantly." Referring to the gift, President Monson testified "In my patriarchal blessing as a boy, I was promised that I would have the gift of discernment. I have to acknowledge that such a declaration has been abundantly fulfilled in my life."

The gift of discernment is a marvelous gift. It is one of the gifts we can earnestly seek to acquire for the blessing of others, and for our own protection (see D & C 46: 8-26).
Ammon exercised the gift in his conversation with King Lamoni (see Alma 18:17-20, and 32). Ammon testified that we are children of God, and God looks upon us and "he knows all the thoughts and intents of the heart." This gift helped Ammon find astonishing success among the Lamanites.
Think what this gift might do for you and for those whom you are called to serve and bless. Have you experienced the blessing of the gift of discernment? Have you written in your journal about it?

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