In class tonight we scratched the surface of the lessons from the labors of Ammon and his brethren. They modeled exactly what Elder Holland requested when he said "I hope our missionaries are so prepared and so powerful that they 'astonish' the people they teach" (see Church News 1-26-08).
One subject we did not discuss enough was "The Message" itself--the marvelous message of the gospel we are called to preach. Notice how Ammon begins to teach "the Message" to King Lamoni in Alma 18: "Believest thou that there is a God?" "He knows all the thoughts and intents of the heart; for by his hand were they all created from the beginning." " I am a man; and man in the beginning was created after the image of God." What a great foundation. Notice how Ammon builds on that foundation (see Al. 18:34-40).
As you prepare to be more effective as a messenger of the gospel to those you love (and to those God loves as His children) consider the simple and profound truths that describe who we are, who God is, and what His plan is for each of us. Perhaps these truths will 'astonish' someone you know. If so, be sure to share it with us here at
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