Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Captain Moroni, Man of Christ

Captain Moroni is one of the great heroes of the Book of Mormon. His character, behavior, and testimony were carefully described to us by Mormon, with the intent that we would work to be men and women of faith in Christ, like Moroni. Mormon wanted us to seek after the same "perfect understanding" Moroni possessed. If we could all be like Moroni, this world would be an entirely different place, for Satan would have "no power over the hearts of the children of men."

What do you think it means to have "perfect understanding" (Alma 48:11)? Consider looking up the two words in the dictionary and in the topical guide. I think we can understand more about Moroni's greatness if we know more about this particular quality he had.

Moroni was so inspirational as a leader that it was said of the true believers of Moroni's time, that "all those who were true believers in Christ took upon them, gladly, the name of Christ, or Christians as they were called" (Alma 46:15). No wonder "there never was a happier time among the people of Nephi...than in the days of Moroni" (Alma 50:23). This, in spite of wars, contention, and dissension.

In class we started to discuss the power of oaths and covenants in Moroni's life. He is a marvelous example to us. Reading his story inspires me to respond spiritually like the people in Alma 46:21, who "came running together with their armor girded about their loins, rending their garments as a token, or as a covenant, that they would not forsake the Lord their God."

How is Captain Moroni a hero to you? What inspiration do you draw from his example?


Kristine said...

I loved the lesson on Tuesday. I love studying Captain Moroni. What I love is that his qualities are attainable. We can become Captain Moroni- like. If anything though he is a great example to look to and strive to be more like.

Livi said...

I like your point about Moroni receiving power from his oaths and covenants. I always tend to think of Moroni being powerful in body, like a strong man. This is most likely was, but his real strength came from his covenants.

On Sunday a woman visiting from Asia in our ward bore her testimony and said that she hoped the leaders of the church and the leaders of our countries could be like Captain Moroni. Wouldn't it be great if all our leaders followed C. Moroni's example?

Auburn said...

Oh girl - I lost your e-mail address, but I thought of you yesterday when i was trying to get rid of some zucchini we got for free and made your zucchini brownies and zuchinni quesadillas. They were fab if I must say so myself.