Friday, October 3, 2008

Imagine No Religion

A colorful billboard, painted to look like a stained-glass window, stunned Seattle motorists and passers-by this summer. The stained glass framed three familiar words by the great John Lennon--"Imagine no religion." Sponsored by the group "Freedom from Religion Foundation" its purpose was so simply stimulate thought--to get people to think.

Well people, what do you think about an imagined world or life with no religion?

Without my religion I would not know of the Savior, Jesus Christ. For me that would be a life of despair and ennui. There would be no authority or power to perform the necessary and sublime ordinances to save me from my sins and failures and to link me not only to my beloved family but to God. There would be no lamp to light the path of my feet. Without my religion there would be no compelling reason to love one another, forgive, not judge, or to serve.

Without my religion I might settle for being a tennis bum or a gym rat, or I might be content with my little garden, or the ever succumb to the present pull of consumerism.

I could go on, having merely scratched the surface, but I'd rather hear what you think.


Egan Metcalf said...

It was so interesting to see a culture (china) where people don't have freedom of religion. I heard specifically from someone there that they think people who know god would be more loving, have concern for others welfare, serve others, care about their community. I am not saying that all Chinese people don't feel this way but generally speaking he obviously can tell how it would positively effect the people. (this coming from a very casual catholic man). Personally, the one thing i always think of when i think of not having religion is death and not being able to understand that would be devastating to me. I don't know how people cope. I could go on...

Kristine said...

great post. it was good for me to imagine for a minute what it would be like with no religion. it is almost uncomprehendable for me considering religion is Everything! i would feel lost, unconnected, and confused about the meaning of life.

very interesting.